5 ways you can look after your garden post heatwave

With the heatwave we have been experiencing, its understandable if your garden is suffering. But we are here to help. With these five helpful tips.

  1. Identify the plants that need immediate help. Look for signs of drought stress such as wilted and curved leaves. Also dropped foliage and flower buds.
  2. Smaller plant pots. Stick these into a bucket of water, for up to 30 seconds, the goal is to rewet the roots and soften the soil to help air move. Then place in the shade. By not covering the leaves in water it lowers the risk of the leaves getting sunburnt.
  3. Hold of mowing the grass. The longer the grass the better it will do in a drought, which despite the rain the south east is still classed as a drought.
  4. Another focus for watering are any large plants or trees planted over the last couple of years. Being still new roots, they are vulnerable in dry spells and despite looking fine may suffer over the next couple of months. It is fine to use 'grey' water for these, water from bathtubs or the washing up.
  5. While tempting to remove sun damaged sections of plants, don't. This will stimulate new growth, these will be vulnerable in another temperature rise.  

Currently the hosepipe ban is in place in many parts of the UK including the south east. Watering cans are however allowed (at the time of writing), using these and plant feeds can put not only water but essential nutrients back into your plants.

We stock plant food in all three of our stores, for both outdoor and houseplants.

Doff        Multi-purpose feed (concentrate) 1L    £5.50
Doff        Liquid Seaweed (concentrate) 1L      £5.00
Doff        tomato feed (concerntrate) 500ml          £3.30
Baby Bio      Houseplant food 175ml          £4.90

To check stock availability, please either ask in store or call any one of our stores today.

Bedford 01273 696464
Brydens 01273 778166
Tinkers  01273 729523

Prices are correct at time of publishing)