Logs and Kindling, It’s selling fast

We have had a massive restock of logs and kindling. We have had a large amount of demand and we are currently ordering more to meet it, as a result we urge you to contact our stores to check stock availability, alternately buying on our website and having the logs and kindling delivered. Due to the cost of living crisis, there has been a record amount of demand for logs [3], this was predicted [4] despite signs industry wide of panic buying[5].

Using alternate heating methods

Using logs and kindling is excellent for an alternate source of heating If your home allows for it. However, please be aware of “the five C’s” – carbon monoxide, cooking, candles, clothing and chimneys [1]. More information on the “5 C’s” campaign by Hampshire & Isle of Wright fire and rescue service can be found at the bottom of the page [2].

To order from us and have a delivery (exclusively to Brighton and Hove) follow this link https://www.bedfordhardware.co.uk/store?productlist-categories=firewood-fuel

[1] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-63289079

[2] https://www.hantsfire.gov.uk/safety/cost-of-living/

[3] https://inews.co.uk/news/stoves-replace-central-heating-winter-gas-price-crisis-firewood-1808982

[4] https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2022/08/19/firewood-sales-surge-fifth-households-turn-stoves-stay-warm/

[5] https://www.henleystandard.co.uk/news/home/175303/sales-of-firewood-rocket-with-hike-in-energy-bills.html